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True-gender Test
Just who is teacher’s pet?
Quizzes & Surveys
Venus 2
Venus 2
How close are you to your ideal medical weight?
Spot on
Spot on... and with a flat, toned stomach
Within half a kilo / 1.1 pounds
Within a kilo / 2.2 pounds
Within 1.5 kilos /3.3 pounds
Within 2 kilos / 4.4. pounds
Within 3 kilos / 6.6 pounds
Within 5 kilos / 11 pounds
Within 8 kilos / 17.6 pounds
Within 12 kilos / 26.4
More than 12 kilos / 26.4
1 out of 35
How tall are you?
5 foot to 5 foot 10
5 foot 10 to < 6 foot
6 foot to 6 foot 2
6 foot 2 to 6 foot 4
2 out of 35
What size are your hands in relation to the average female?
3 out of 35
Shoe size...
(EU size < 37, US women's size < 6)
(EU size 37-38, US women's size 6-7.5
(EU size 39-40, US women's size 8-9)
(EU size 41-42, US men's size 8-9.5)
(EU size 43, US men's size 10)
(EU size 44, US men's size 11).
(EU size 45, US men's size 12+).
4 out of 35
Shoulder width in comparison to your average female...
Little bigger
Not so important because I know all the styling tricks to reduce their visual impact.
5 out of 35
Padded, baby!
My hips are narrower than my waist
My hips are a little bit wider than my waist
My hips are about level with my waist
My hips are clearly wider than my waist
6 out of 35
Adam's apple...
Minimal protrusion
Pronounced protrusion
Medium protrusion
What Adam's apple?
I'm good at hiding it
7 out of 35
Straight across / perfect.
Slight widow’s peak.
Clearly receding in a very male way.
Dodgy, but I have such a high quality wig that nobody would ever know.
Dodgy, but I have a reasonably good wig.
Dodgy, and I have a wig but it's obviously a wig.
8 out of 35
Breast size...
Slightly rounded
Visibly rounded but on the small side
Very prominent
9 out of 35
When you have your mouth slightly open (when not talking) are your teeth...
Clearly visible
covered by my top lip
10 out of 35
I would describe my nose as...
Delicate and petite
Not a Barbie nose but definitely feminine
Balanced. Not male nor female.
Big but leaning female
Average male nose
Big and prominent and blatantly male
11 out of 35
My eyes appear to be…
Large, but so is my man head
Large in proportion to my face
Regular in proportion to my face
Small in proportion to my face
I excell at doing eye makeup so I can make them look bigger
12 out of 35
My chest circumference is approximately…
Less than your average female
Average female
More than average
Much more than average
13 out of 35
My skin texture is...
Very smooth
Quite smooth
Slightly rough
Like sandpaper - metaphorically speaking.
14 out of 35
My jawline / chin are...
Not pronounced, and also small
Slightly pronounced
Very prominent / big
15 out of 35
My voice is...
Very high-pitched
Slightly high-pitched
Medium/neutral female
Quite deep
Very deep
Medium/neutral male
16 out of 35
My wrist circumference in comparison to your average female...
Same or less
Much more
17 out of 35
My ass is...
Full, rounded, and well-proportioned, with a smooth, curvaceous shape that is enhanced by the natural distribution of fat in the hips and buttocks. i.e very female.
Firmer, flatter, and more angular, with a muscular structure that is less emphasized by body fat, leading to a more athletic and less curvaceous appearance. i.e very male
Fat... but like a fat dude's ass. (in other words you can't claim a female ass because you're fat... the fat must be distributed in a certain way.)
Somewhere between option 1 and 2.
18 out of 35
My waist measures...
Less than 60 cm
60-70 cm
70-80 cm
80-83 cm
83-86 cm
86-90 cm
More than 90 cm
19 out of 35
The circumference of my thigh is in comparison to your average female...
Same or less
Much more
20 out of 35
The circumference of my calve in comparison to your average female...
Same or less
Much more
21 out of 35
I need to shave my face...
Twice a day
Once a day
Couple of times a week
22 out of 35
Body hair distribution....
Virtually non existent
Very light
23 out of 35
The circumference of my neck in comparison to your average female...
Same or less
Much more
24 out of 35
My forehead is best described as…
Covered by a fringe or similar deft styling technique.
Slightly sloped with a less prominent brow ridge.
A much smoother, more vertical forehead with no brow ridge.
Large, slightly sloped, with a prominent brow ridge (a bump along the length above your eyebrows).
25 out of 35
When it comes to makeup I have...
A vast inventory, deep knowledge, proven skill.
A reasonable inventory, deep knowledge, proven skill.
some inventory,some knowledge, some skill.
A small inventory, a little knowledge, know the basics..
Pretty clueless and barely own any.
26 out of 35
My wardrobe is...
Extensive and stylish with a large proportion being feminine items,
I'm actually more of a Tomboy.
I'm actually more of a sweatpants and t-shirt girl.
If I'm honest, my wardrobe strategy is a complete disaster.
Extensive and stylish with a balance of styles including some more feminine items,
The place I store my clothes.
27 out of 35
I sit like a...
Girl who went to a Swiss finishing school
Regular girl
Not like a complete oaf, but not very gracefully
28 out of 35
My nails are...
Like a coal miners.
The only feminine thing about my nails is that they're clean.
Clean and filed and the cuticles are done and all the other nail care touches. But they are a little short.
Well cared for and long.
Well cared for, long and regularly varnished.
I have perfectly cared for and perfectly varnished nails and they are spectacular.
29 out of 35
My teeth are...
Perfectly white and perfectly straight.
I have perfectly white teeth, but not perfectly straight.
I have the naturally whitest teeth possible without a treatment. They are perfectly straight.
I have the naturally whitest teeth possible without a treatment. They are not straight.
I have reasonably white teeth and they're pretty straight.
I have reasonably white teeth but they're not straight.
Not particularly white and not straight.
30 out of 35
When you see me walking in the street you will immediately think of...
A Neanderthal
A cat... because I walk like a feline supermodel
Nothing in particular. Just a regular girl walking.
There's something a bit strange the way that girl walks. Can't quite put my finger on it.
A trans woman.
A guy.
31 out of 35
My skin complexion is...
The perfect all body bimbo tan using an expensive, high quality fake tan.
Perfect Korean model white or perfect Celtic white.
Perfect Asian or Afro color.
Pasty Caucasian with uneven variations on white.
Nothing particularly notable, but not particularly bad.
Generally smooth but the occasional blemish.
32 out of 35
My jewellery collection is...
Extensive, stylish, and I know how to use it to radiate beauty.
I have some good pieces, and I know how to use them to enhance my appearance.
I have some jewelry, but I'm no expert.
Pretty clueless when it comes to jewelry
33 out of 35
Which of the following statements describes your cheekbones…
Cheekbones are very prominent and angular, creating a striking and strongly defined facial structure. (Mick Jagger)
Cheekbones are moderately pronounced and sit higher on the face, creating a balanced and neutral appearance.
Cheekbones are high with a moderate degree of prominence, giving the face a sculpted yet soft look.
Cheekbones are high and softly contoured, creating a gentle transition into the rest of the face. (Audrey Hepburn)
My face is just fat, or otherwise without noticeable cheekbones.
I'm able to skillfully apply makeup to contour feminine looking cheekbones.
34 out of 35
When it comes to grooming, I'm...
Basically... a Stepford wife. Immaculately groomed, smell like heaven, my hair shines like silk and my clothes always look like they're brand new.
I am well groomed, smell good, generally radiate cleanliness and purity.
I am always clean and well presented.
Generally I'm well groomed, but I have my moments of pigness.
I am in fact... a pig
If I make an effort, I can be well groomed, but I seldom make an effort.
35 out of 35
Time's up